Gate Agent (September 11, 2017, de Gaulle Airport)
Her white glove disappears
inside my well-traveled backpack, the one
that has weathered
time renewal regret.
She removes items nesting
in soft pockets,
stuffed behind zippered compartments,
in the deep crumby well.
She extracts each item
as if feeling the weight
it carries, the history it holds,
handling it
as though it could
split crumble dissolve
into dust.
She carefully
lays each examined object
one, then the other
on the cold steel table.
She glides
her glove across thick containers
like the blind man describing an elephant.
She waves
an electronic wand
over the emptied bag
divining for concealed artifacts.
Perhaps she will discover
a buried secret
or detect
the squishy sound of memory.
in front of me
artifacts of living
I lug around.
I observe
without comment
to touch question explain.
Here, I am
a bystander
to my own life
whose fate
to move on with it
is in the hands
of a uniformed stranger.
–Linda Belans